Our second CD: Black Sea

Modern Balkan songs and originals

This is a five-song demo of our current sound -- hear sound samples. Like many contemporary bands in the Balkans, we now use synthesizer instead of accordion, and a drum set instead of hand drums. We also feature sax and electric guitar more strongly than on our first CD. Black Sea includes two original songs in Balkan styles, selected from several original compositions in our current repertoire. The CD comes with complete lyrics and translations.

How to order

The CD is US$7 postpaid to anywhere, including shipping and handling. You can get it for US$5 at our live shows. To receive your copy, send a check or money order payable to "Balkanarama" for US$7, and your mailing address, to:

Balkanarama CD
18311 NE 99th Way
Redmond, WA 98052 USA

If you live outside the US: We accept personal checks drawn on Canadian or EC banks for the equivalent of US$7. If you live elsewhere, our bank insists that you send a check in US funds drawn on a New York bank -- sorry for the inconvenience. International postage is included in the purchase price.

Credit card orders in the US: We accept orders via PayPal.com. Include a message that mentions Black Sea and, of course, your mailing address! We'll send the CD right away. Click on the icon to get started:

Go to PayPal.com

Songs on the CD

You can hear 60- to 90-second samples of all the songs on Black Sea in Windows Media or MP3 formats. The Windows Media files download about twice as fast as the MP3s and, to our ears, sound better.

  Song Origin Dance CD length
1 The Earth Carries Me
Windows Media | MP3
Balkan Rom Cocek 3:50
2 Like Birds
Windows Media | MP3
Hungarian Rom Jeni jol 6:45
3 Entropy Time
Windows Media | MP3
Music and lyrics by Jody Levinson Dajcovo (9/8) 5:50
4 Zamini (Leave)
Windows Media | MP3
Music by Jody Levinson, lyrics by Marija Makrevska Lesnoto 5:10
5 Black Sea (Cherno More)
Windows Media | MP3
Bulgarian Kjucek 5:50

Stores that carry Black Sea

  • CD Baby: Friendly folks down in Oregon.

Check out our first CD

We released Nonstop, a full-length recording in a more traditional style, in May 2000.